Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sibley Day Workshop

A Day of Thinking

So Sibley Day was originally called “A Day of Thinking.” Ironic, I know. Do we not think every other day of our lives? Anyway, so I really didn’t feel like waking up before 12—yes, I love to sleep now that I have mastered the art of it and no longer suffer from insomnia—and was in a dilemma. At certain hours, I wanted to attend two or three events, whereas other hours I found nothing particularly interesting.

The Converged Classroom

As a communication major, I felt it my duty to attend the ONLY communication workshop that was available. Dude Lively, a Communication and media professor here at LU, presented the uses of blogs, wiki’s, and podcast’s in the classroom. To get more information on this presentation, visit

I almost laughed when he said the presentation was originally for professors that are behind in media advancements. Before this class, I didn’t have a blog that I regularly used for writing and before this presentation, I had no idea that wiki’s, besides Wikipedia, were popular for both professors and family interaction through distance and that podcasts would be an excellent tool for watching tutorials.

Ignorance is not something I boast about, but in this case I have to make sure you understand my point. I am from Generation Y and yet, do not know this vital information. This vital information that could possibly provide a career or land me at a job. I also found it interesting that the presentation was quick-paced...would that have anything to do with our short attention spans and fear of a lost interest in the subject?

My Proposals

Ironically, I have an opportunity to try my luck with a wiki. Since high school, a few friends of mine have been trying to stay in touch. We miss the conversations about random or controversial topics that high school girls rarely talk about. My friend suggested we start a shared blog, but I suggested a Wiki. That’s exactly what I’m doing through Wetpaint. We’ve checked it out and now we feel confident that we can at least get through the process.

I also want to check out the Quick Capture tool on YouTube. As soon as I find time of course.

Other Workshops

Other workshops were either very interesting and popular, like the Poverty Simulation Workshop and Fashion Design- Building Simple Accessories, or very boring—and I won’t name those because well, that’s a bit uncalled for.

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